BTEUP Result 2023, Link to 2nd, 4th, and 6th Semesters,

If you recently took the BTEUP exam and were eagerly awaiting the results, then let us tell you that if you are also one of those who came here to get the BTEUP Result 2023, then you have come to the right place because the BTEUP Result 2023 has just been released today, i.e., on September 12, 2023. You may now easily download it by visiting BTEUP’s official website at So, without further ado, let us explain how you can obtain information about your BTEUP exam result now. You must read this article all the way through.

2023 BTEUP Result

The candidates who appeared in the BTEUP Polytechnic Even Semester Back and Special Back examinations can check their BTEUP Result 2023, which was announced today, September 12, 2023, which is extremely good news for all of them.
You can obtain it by visiting the authority’s official website. The BTEUP Polytechnic Scrutiny 2023 and Revaluation Polytechnic Diploma 1st Year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year, 4th Year, 5th Year, and 6th Year Semester-Wide Exam Result is available on the official website for all applicants.

UP BTE Polytechnic Diploma 2nd, 4th, and 6th Even Semester Result 2023

Board Of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh (BTEUP) Diploma Examinations 2023
CourseDiploma & Polytechnic Course
Semester2nd, 4th & 6th Semester
Exam DateJune & July 2023
Exam ModeOffline
Qualifying Marks33% in each subject
Even Semester UP BTE Diploma Result 202312 September 2023
Result ModeOnline
How to CheckBy Enrollment No
BTEUP Marksheet 2023Download Online
Revaluation FormTo be Announced
BTEUP Revaluation Result 202312 September 2023
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